Minecraft Piggy Makes Bank

Our client wanted to know if we could take a Minecraft Piggy, and turn him into a bank. What an awesome idea… But could we? Of course we can! 😀

If your kids love Minecraft, why not use it as a catalyst to encourage them to save!

A few things You Didn’t Know About the Minecraft Pigs:

  • You can ride a pig
  • They turn into zombie pigmen when struck by lightning
  • Burning pigs drop cooked porkchops
  • Pigs have toes, other animals have hooves
  • The creeper is actually a failed pig model

… well… now we can add another accolade to that list. The more you know…

We’ve customised these piggies to give it that personal touch.

Go on, get one!
Your kids will love ’em; and You will be proud of your kids. #savings

if you want some more inspiration for out of the ordinary ideas, head on over to our Find a model page. You never know, you may just find that one thing you did not know you needed 😉